Unravel the monumental impact of macroeconomic trends on the dynamic landscape of ecommerce. Immerse yourself in their spirited discourse on the vital role of precision inventory management, the revolutionary power of supply chain automation, and the crafty art of managing oversupply with the help of bleeding-edge technology.
Data is changing our customer experiences and the rate of change has accelerated rapidly over the past 3 years.
In this guest appearance iTristan's own Jason Agouris on the New York-based podcast You Say Data, I Say Dayta, Joe Forish and Jason chat about how this is happening.
Customer Experience Needs to Come from Every Corner of your Business with guest (Communication Coach) Ric Phillips. Your business success is intrinsically linked to your customer's experience with your product or service. Creating a memorable and lasting customer experience should always be your team's one priority.
Today, on digBiz we're joined by Stephen Davies, professor, managing consultant, who helps people, businesses, and technology understand each other. He joined me to talk about the challenges to truth and the stresses on human-technology interactions and how our very concept of truth is being questioned.