About Us

Relentlessly Positive. Positively Relentless.

The years have flown. iTristan Group Inc. has – like the internet itself – evolved through multiple phases of services, demographics, platforms, staff and clients.


Approaching 20 years we have evolved out from what we thought of as a creative technical company to a Made in Canada Creative Business Interactive Think Tank that happens to use technology as its foundation.
About Us

19 Years Experience

This isn't our FIRST Rodeo, and it wont be our last


Projects and growing!

eCommerce Platform Possibilities

We align our thinking with the idea: the creative, the crazy, the brilliant, the audacious

And then consider how technology will be crafted and molded to make it happen

It's a Possibilities conversation first

Business goals, creative blue sky-ing, conceptual development, global domination – the Why of your venture (we love the Simon Sinek TED Talk). We want to hear about your ideas first. It doesn't have to be complete, thorough or even completely coherent. It just needs to be your "brain dump" of where you see your business, venture and creativity going first. Forget about the technology details, that will come later.

It's a Technology conversation second

iTristan Group is about connecting your core, inner purpose Why to the What and the detailed How of getting it done. Yes, of course, systems, platforms, frameworks, CMSs, CMFs, background procecssing, and integration protocols are going to come into the conversation. It's after we work out the What in your ideas that we will develop the How.

Our Services



We used to need to explain how the technology worked – usually to blank stares, quite understandably. We learned to focus on the business and the possibilities. Once we got over the technology we became free to broaden the discussion for clients – where their opportunities could take them.

Of course this doesn't mean that iTristan Group is not fundamentally a creative and technology company, of course we are. But it's not about the technology. That follows. We align our thinking with the idea; the creative; the crazy, the brilliant; the audacious and then we start to consider how technology will be crafted to make it happen.

This is liberating for us and for our clients. And it makes the creative business building process a joy.

Technology We Work With



Ever-Evolving Perspective and Offerings

Technology evolves. Techniques adjust accordingly. Changes are linear. Disruptive technology changes change.

We are obsessively driven by the applications of change and disruption. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes shifts happen more slowly. We watch and test and work with new approaches constantly to see how our clients can foresee how they can compete better, reach their audience more effectively and reach their goals more quickly. Best of all, however, we work to find new goals, audiences and markets they might never have considered; to find new possibilities.

Offering a blend of Product Integrations, Custom Integrations, Operating Platform Applications and Custom Applications became a result of years of evolution. It was inevitable, and it will always remain inevitable.


We came to the realization that as we grew and excelled, iTristan Group was fulfilling a need that our clients weren't getting elsewhere, mainly that our vision of Digital Business included a four-dimensionally-connected world of digital transformation, finance, operations, marketing, customer service and retention.

Clearly our philosophy was different.


By driving the data speed and agility process, we were giving our clients the tools they needed to provide more services, products and customer relationship management faster and bigger than ever before. Their footprint, their ability to be big grew and grew even if their staff didn't need to.

We started to build million dollar businesses for clients. They came back again and again. We started getting calls from around the world looking for what we had built, and could build.

It wasn't just marketing; it wasn't just design; it wasn't just integration; it wasn't just applications.
It was all of the above.

iTristan Media Group is your partner for Digital Business creative, consulting and technology from deep operations, to global implementation